WCAG Compliance, User-Control, Artificial Intelligence and Independent Accessibility!

WeTool combines the digital tools that different disability groups need using artificial intelligence, to make websites accessible and in compliance with WCAG 2.2!

a smiling woman with blonde hair showing her wetool panel with her finge

We have gathered together the tools that blind, color-blind, visually impaired, panic attack, epilepsy patients and elderly individuals need for web accessibility!

User Controlled Features


Enlarges text on the website in 3 different sizes, making it easier to read.


Change the font to make text more readable for individuals with dyslexia.

Text Range

Improve the readability of texts for individuals with limited vision and dyslexia by increasing spacing between texts with 3 different spacing options.

Row Height

Increase the height between lines to make website content easier to read.


Offer the opportunity to use 3 different cursors to make it easier to follow content.


Edit colours to provide web content accessibility for colour-blind individuals.

Screen Reader

Website content can be read aloud and the reading speed can be adjusted to preference.

Animation Stop

Stops seizure-triggering animations, pop-ups, and flashing lights.

Picture Description

Add alt text to website images for visually impaired people.

Highlight Link

Highlight links and buttons on your website to provide easier navigation.

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WeTool has rich language usage options.

WeTool interface and Germany, America, Finland, France, Turkey, There are flags of England and Russia

Personalize WeTool according to your brand values!

Use it anywhere on your website, in any colour and shape!

Classic Cursor
Low Constrast
x1 Speed
Play animation

With WeTool , you can easy access website contents by using multiple features at the same time!

WeTool panel
a woman is holding a computer.

You can make the "Call to Action" buttons on your website noticeable!

Discover WeTool 's world of barrier-free and inclusive web accessibility now!



-It is a solution where accessibility tools needed for different disability groups are gathered together in one location on your website.

-WeTool is designed for users with various disabilities and special needs, specifically including those with visual impairments, limited language skills, seniors, and limited colour perception or colour blindness. The tool assesses the level of accessibility of websites to provide a user-friendly experience. This assessment is designed to ensure that websites can effectively reach and serve a wide range of users, reflecting on an approach based in universal design principles.

-Of course! You can use WeTool in any colour and position on your website!