Hearing impaired individuals who have difficulty understanding what they read, or who are unable to read and write, can access information and services on websites in their native language, sign language, using the artificial power of WeSign!
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Make your website accessible for individuals with hearing impairments!
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You can integrate and activate WeSign into your website with the help of a single js file.
With sentences that are clickable and instantly translated into sign language using artificial intelligence, you can enable hearing impaired individuals to access website content in their native language!
Even if you have a website with a dynamic structure, don't worry! Thanks to artificial intelligence, new content added to your website continues to be translated into sign language instantly!
Thanks to its user-controlled structure, WeSign makes it easier for hearing impaired individuals to follow content!
Through WeSign, institutions and organizations can provide barrier-free, equal and accessible Through WeSign, institutions and organizations can provide
According to your company's request, you can use a 3D avatar or a real human model in sign language translations!